No change to USA mains - 4 of 5 above all pivots, and IWM below the JanP. Not that bad.
The significant movement today was in DXY and thus gold and global indexes - DXY below Q1P for the 2nd time, and now testing 1HP. This is the first test of long term support since the definitive clear 10/6-10 2016.
The latest Total market view said would reduce IWM if below the JanP again, down to 8 longs. Still holding on to SMH. RSX looks like the best setup for global indexes, valid above the JanP, so adding a long there. May short INDA soon.
Readers know I have been largely bullish on the market for months, and I still believe in higher targets - but if guessing next move up or down, I'm thinking down. But the opportunity cost to hold most positions here is not that much; if another USA index or sector breaks a pivot then that will be the signal to reduce. My opinion could be wrong and markets could be up decently tomorrow.
SPY, IWM, RSX below.